Anna Scalfati

It is journalism in pink. It is to his pen that the Corriere Adriatico assigns the chronicle of the trial to the Marche column of the red brigades.
Previously, after various experiences, he reaches Time.
The latter entrusts her with the task of editor of judiciary, which she maintains until the call to Rai for the nascent TG3 where she becomes conductor of the newscast.
His writing and his voice are entrusted with special editions for the war in the Gulf; similar qualities could not escape to Sergio Zavoli who wants her to carry out the "History of the Republic" and then collaborate with Santoro in Samarkand.
Then she is at TG1 as editor on a hot topic like that of the Sisde slush fund. He could not then not be present with Giovanni Minoli at the time of the Enimont scandal, and with Marrazzo always as a judicial expert.
This is the professional path of this journalist who has been able to outline the facts that have marked the life of our nation with balance and without indecision.
Balance, jurisprudential culture and profound humanity led her to be a member of ministerial bodies. like the committee "il Ciclope" for the fight against pedophilia.
The social spirit that has always characterized it, today finds expression in the participation in the development of cooperatives in Africa and Central America, without forgetting its proximity to Libera by Don Ciotti.